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Sunday, July 31, 2011

Personal Time Management

Friday, July 29, 2011

Top 11 Declarations You Need To Adopt

What is the Difference Between Declarations and Affirmations?

The difference between affirmations and declarations is described beautifully by the author of the Secrets of the Millionaire mind T Harv. Eker as he states "the difference between a declaration and an affirmation is slight, but in my mind powerful. The definition of an affirmation is "a positive statement asserting that a goal you wish to achieve is already happening." The definition of a declaration is "to state an official intention to undertake a particular course of action or adopt a particular status." 

That slight change in perspective is everything. That is the reason why some people don't get far with affirmations as they can't bring themselves to see that the goal they wish to achieve is already happening. While, declarations on the other hand allows them to adopt a particular status which will allow the completion of a certain goal. 

Anyways, now that you are aware of the difference between a declaration and an affirmation I want to shed some light on some new declarations that you need to adopt. 

I personally have the following declarations memorized and I continue to repeat them on a daily basis in an attempt to engrave them in my unconscious mind, so they just become second nature.

The following list of declarations are taken from the book "Secrets of the Millionaire Mind" By T. Harv Eker.

List of Declarations: 

"My inner world creates my outer world."

"What I heard about money isn't necessarily true. I choose to adopt new ways of thinking that support my happiness and success."
"What I modeled around money was their way. I choose my way."
"I observe my thoughts and entertain only those that empower me."
"I create the exact level of my financial success."
"My goal is to become a millionaire and more."
"I commit to being rich."
"I think big! I choose to help thousands and thousands of people."
"I model rich and successful people."
"I associate with rich and successful people."
"If they can do it, I can do it."

Now as T. Harv Eker would say touch your head and say "I HAVE A MILLIONAIRE MIND!"

Monday, July 25, 2011

Introducing "Book of the Month" : Read And Change Your Life

As you have all heard countless times before knowledge is power. That saying is 100% accurate, however my saying goes  "The Right Knowledge Is Power." There's tons of information out there in the world and some is really beneficial and other information is not so much. So if you have knowledge about tons of random stuff such as how much the average cow can eat, then that type of knowledge is not really knowledge as it is not helping you in any shape or form. 

I've been reading books on the subject of success and business for a long time and have come into contact with some great books that have changed and shaped my whole paradigm. These books have given me key insights which in return has allowed me to use the authors teachings and convert that into success, whether it be on wealth or improved health. However, on the contrary I've also read numerous books that haven't done a whole lot for me.

But luck for you, I have a HUGE COLLECTION of the very best books ever written that can take you to the NEXT LEVEL (power of words eh!). So what I have decided to do is each month I will be introducing a book to read. The book will be very beneficial believe me. Each book has the power to change your life (I know you have heard this and I'm not trying to sound like those self-help gurus, but trust me).

I haven't decided, but maybe we the people who are committed to changing our lives can start up a book club as well to go along with the book of the month. We'll see about the book club idea, however the book of the month is a GO! 

So without further a do, I'm going to get right to it and introduce the first book of this month. 

The book me and you are going to read this month is Rich Dad, Poor Dad By Robert Kiyosakhi. If you have already read this book, read it again. I personally have read this book over and over again and continue to draw insights from it. It's a book I reference all the time, I don't treat it as if it's just another book. 

So pick up Rich Dad Poor Dad at your local library or you can purchase it from someplace online like Barnes and Nobles or Amazon. 

Here's a direct link if you want to purchase it from Amazon: Rich Dad, Poor Dad

And oh, just to show you the importance of this book here's a little snippet of Will Smith and his son talking about it on Oprah.

Check it out...

So get to it! Start reading.


Sunday, July 24, 2011

Friday, July 22, 2011

Secrets of the Millionaire Mind

I'm currently reading T. Harv Eker's book Secrets of the Millionaire Mind: Mastering the Inner Game of Wealth and thus far it is a great read and has given me deep insights. If your in the mood of boosting your financial knowledge and are willing to invest in yourself like the rich do then I greatly recommend you check this book out. 

- Adrian 

Adrian Adrello is the author of the Success Report, a free report you can download instantly to learn how to eliminate your fears, build and keep wealth, make success inevitable in your life, and much more. You can access the free report from here -

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Inspiring Story: The Reason Behind Travis Barkers Tattoo's

You may have seen Travis Barker countless times whether it be on your TV screen or live, and without a doubt if you seen him then you have seen his tattoos which go from his head to his feet. Travis Barker is a very inspirational man and the reason behind his tattoo's just goes to show the level of dedication he had towards becoming great in the music business. The reason he got tattooed was so he could never go and get a normal job... IT WAS EITHER MUSIC OR NOTHING. He had no plan B. So he went out and got tatted from head to feet so nobody would ever hire him in a normal job environment. Now that's commitment at its finest. That's how committed me and you need to be. Too many of us have a plan B. We develop safety nets that we can drop back on, well those plan B's just take away from plan A. So right now I want you to think about your plan A... what is it that you want to become? What is it that you want the world to remember you by? You got it? Well fuck plan B and go after plan A. Forget Plan B altogether. There are no safety nets, if you fail, FAIL FORWARD. Don't fail back.  What plan B's allow is for us to fail back. Well that just robs us of ever accomplishing success in plan A. So from now on it's either PLAN A or NOTHING. What this means is if you want to become a billionaire than your either going to become a billionaire or DIE TRYING. No PLAN B's. Let's GET IT. PLAN A OR NOTHING! 

Below is a video of Travis Barker himself discussing the reasoning behind getting tatted from head to feet.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Bellamy Creek - "Slim"

You need to see this, although it's not a motivational video it is a must see. The lessons learned from this will give you deep insight and will open your eyes regarding how you should never put 100% of your trust in someone, because even your best friends will deceive you. Just check it out...

It's a cold world out there, in some situations you have to possess a thick face just to make it through all the trials you will be forced to endure in life. Just keep in mind that the people you surround yourself with might not be as trustworthy as you think.

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Must Watch Documentary: Tyson

Many lessons and inspiration can be drawn from tons of successful people in life. I always stress how important it is to learn from the best. Mike Tyson is in some people eyes the greatest fighter to ever step foot in the ring. His documentary Tyson is a must watch. It goes into depth about his rise to fame, his struggle, his mindset, and all the positive attributes he learned to adopt to become great. I hghly recommend you see it.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Top 3 Wealth Books

It doesn't matter to me whether you purchase the books using my affiliate links or whether you use the other links. The important part is you purchase AT LEAST one of the above books. Each of these books possesses the key to great prosperity. No bullshit. Imagine yourself free, living each day how you want, free to do whatever it is you want whenever you want. Whether that be sleeping till noon or relaxing on the beach all day. Wealth gives you the power to do this and these books will show you how you can build your own wealth in life. 

1. Rich Dad Poor Dad
My Affiliate Link (Compensate me): Rich Dad, Poor Dad
Original Link (No $$$'s for me):

2. The Richest Man In Babylon

My Affiliate Link (Compensate me): The Richest Man in Babylon

3. The Millionaire Mind
My Affiliate Link (Compensate me): The Millionaire Mind

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

The Power of Personal Branding

For the last couple of days I've been posting some Richard Branson videos. The reason for this is I've been trying to stress for once the importance of learning from the best of the best and more specifically the power of branding. You should treat yourself like a brand. Branding is just not for business people. Carry yourself as a brand. My brand is Adrian Adrello Inc. You brand is your name as well. How do you carry yourself? How does the world view your brand? It's 2011 and it's all about personal branding. What do you want the world to know your brand by? Richard Branson is arguably the ultimate entrepreneur and much of his success is devoted to himself as he has developed his own brand which is Richard Branson. There's a reason why he undertakes on all these adventures as it is to strengthen his personal brand. Look at any successful person and you will feel a special appeal coming from them and that is the power of branding. 

Believe me, this may not strike you as being too important, however it is vital. Start carrying yourself as a brand today! Here are some examples of successful people who have mastered personal branding (IE. Richard Branson, 50 Cent, Beyonce, Lady Gaga, Donald Trump, Barack Obama, Kanye West, P Diddy, Gary Vaynerchuk, Kobe Bryant). All these people are successful in their own right and much of their success is due to the power in which they have branded themselves. Branding is not just for musicians or business people, it is for EVERYONE and whether you like it or not you are a brand and it is vital that the world views your brand as the best that it can possibly be!

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Sir Richard Branson: Learning From Failure

Activity of the Month from 50 Cent

The activity i'm about to inform you about is to be started today and is to be practiced for the next 29 days AT LEAST. So what your going to do TODAY is figure out 5 ways in which you can better yourself. Just come up with maybe 5 new skills you can adopt, or any 5 improvements you can make which will better yourself.

That's all you have to do for today. Just come up with the 5 ways. 

For the next 29 days start developing those 5 ways and begin working on them. Do this for at least one month and you will have mastered 5 new skills and will have definitely improved yourself. If your serious about it than I recommend you practice the 5 ways for more than a month. 

Just to prove to you how powerful this exercise is, this is the exercise rap mogul 50 Cent did in order to improve himself and continues to do so. 


Friday, July 8, 2011

The Difference Between Successful And Non Successful People

The one major difference between people who are successful and not so successful is summed up in the term "speed of implementation." What this term means is it is the distance between the time you hear something and you learn something and the time you put it into action. Simply put the successful people learn something and they put it into action right away, whereas the not so successful will want to learn everything before putting it into action. An the reality of the situation is they never do infact put into action what they have learned. They have all the necessary information stored in their head, however they fail to take action. Therefore, you should increase your speed of implementation in everything you do and make it a habbit.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Motivational Song of the Week

"I know it seems hard, but it's not at all
Just know what you want, and make it your goal
Staring at their eyes you ain't taking a "no"
That's what your going to be, that's where your going to live, that's what your going to drive, that's who your going to be with, you ain't just going to survive your going to do it up"

Song: Stand Up By Joell Ortiz and Novel

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Commit To Excellence

Make a decision right now. This decision will permanetely change your life as well as your quality of life. I promise you. The decision that you need to make RIGHT THIS SECOND is to be the very best at what you do. 

In order for you to be the best at what you do I need you to set a goal for yourself to join the top 10 percent of your field, no matter what the field is.

If your doubting your abilities consider this the top 10 percent today once started off in the bottom 10 percent. Everyone who is succeeding today was once struggling. Anything is achievable so make a goal right now to become the best.

Sunday, July 3, 2011

40 Plus Formula

Have you ever wanted to figure out if you were destined for financial success? Well I have found an interesting way to find out. Now it's not remarkable or anything, but it should give you an idea.

Here it is:
Add up how many hours you've worked this past week. Or you can just add up the average amount of hours you spend working in a typical week. Do one or the other.

The 40 Plus formula indicates that you work 40 hours per week for survival and everything over 40 hours a week is for success. What this means is if you only work 40 hours all you will ever do is survive. You will remain mediocre, not become a major financial success, nor will you earn the respect from your colleagues. 

However on the contrary, every hour over 40 hours a week in an investment in your future. The interesting part is you can actually determine where you are going to be in the next 5-10 years by looking at how many hours over 40 you put in each week.

An interesting fact is self-made millionaires in America work on average 59 hours per week. However many of them work 70-80 hours per week (usually at the beginning of their careers). 

Now the important part in all this is you should work all the time you work. Calling your friend, or checking up on your email, or pretending to work, or day dreaming does not qualify as work. 

With all this in mind, LOCK IN NOW and WORK HARD.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Take The Path Of Most Resistance

The following article is from Darren Hardy who is the publisher of the "Success Magazine."
In The Compound Effect I explain how the results in your life are rooted in one single factor—your choices.
Like it or not, good or bad, your accumulated choices have added up to your current waistline, business success, relationship strength and bank balance.
Your choices created your problems and the only way out of them is to start, and stick to, making new choices.
But then you ask, How do I know what the right choices are?
Here’s a simple formula:When in doubt, choose the harder task or what you don’t want to do—that’s usually exactly what you should do. Take the path of MOST resistance.
Put it this way: If you are disappointed in any area of your life, whatever choices you have been making aren’t working.
Definition of insanity:
Doing the same things you’ve always done and expecting different results.
Here is the force you are fighting: You and your brain are creatures of habit. You simply talk yourself into taking the easy, low resistance and comfortable route. Like the pull of a rushing river, your unconscious habits continue to take you downstream in the wrong direction. To change your direction you will need to swim upstream, against the resistance of the rushing river, against your habitual tendency.
Low Resistance:
  • Going along with the gossip
  • Surrendering to peer pressure
  • Saying yes to needless obligations
  • Submitting to the crying demands of your children
  • Starting your new program on “Monday” (instead of today)
  • Reacting in anger
  • Holding a grudge
  • Giving the ‘silent treatment’
High Resistance:
  • Going to the gym when you don’t feel like it
  • Forgiving someone who wronged you
  • Feeling the fear and doing it anyway
  • Admitting you were wrong and apologizing
  • Ordering the salad when you want the burger
  • Saying no to (yet another) shot of tequila
  • Calling that big, scary big prospect (again and again)
If you want to finally obtain what’s missing from your life, you need to stop always doing what you feel like doing and start doing the things that make you uncomfortable, the stuff you avoid, and the things that you think are hard.
If you dedicate yourself to only doing the things you don’t want to do, all day long, your results would shock and amaze you and everyone around you.
Make a list of the things you avoid, postpone and hate doing, but you know you should. If you attack those today, your life will change. What’s uncomfortable is good. It only feels wrong at the start because you have an automatic bias toward the easy. Fight that tendency. Swim upstream. Take the path of most resistance.
Declare it and take action. What three things do you NOT want to do, but you will commit to doing today?